European Specific Targeted Research Project IURO
Interactive Urban Robot
- 3-year project, started in 2010, under contract FP7-ICT- 248314,
- involving 4 universities and 1 industrial partner
- Principal investigator and leader of the ICT&S group in the project (1 workpackage); 2 Mio €
Within the IURO project a life-sized robot was developed which is able to navigate through densely populated inner-city environments without any a-priori map knowledge just by proactively asking pedestrians for the way. The development of the IURO robot followed a user-centered design approach based on the above-mentioned USUS model. Numerous studies were carried out over the entire project duration, in order to evaluate and validate the robot and its social behaviour. In the requirements phase, we revealed that the robot should be of anthropomorphic appearance and that the robot should approach people from right or left, but not frontally. The evaluation of the social behaviour of the robot in the lab and in the field showed that verbal feedback is most important in such a scenario, but facial expressions can provide additional empathy towards the robot and a screen can serve as backup channel for reassurance.
Related Publications
Weiss, A., Mirnig, N., Bruckenberger, U., Strasser, E., Tscheligi, M., Wollherr, D., and Stanczyk, B. The Interactive Urban Robot: User-centered development and final field trial of a direction requesting robot. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, (2015).
Mirnig, N., Strasser, E., Weiss, A., Kühnlenz, B., Wollherr, D., and Tscheligi, M. Can You Read My Face? A Methodological Variation for Assessing Facial Expressions of Robotic Heads. International Journal of Social Robotics, pp. 1-14, (2014).
Mirnig, N., Weiss, A., Skantze, G., Al Moubayed, S., Gustafson, J., Beskow, J., Granström, B., and Tscheligi, M. Face-to-face with a robot: What do we actually talk about? International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10, 01, pp.1-23, (2013).
Gonsior, B., Landsiedel, C., Mirnig, N., Sosnowski, S., Strasser, E., Buss, M., Kühnlenz, K., Tscheligi, M., Weiss, A., Wollherr,D., and Zlotowski, J. Impacts of multimodal feedback on efficiency of proactive information retrieval from task-related HRI. Journal of Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), 16, 2, pp. 313-326, (2012).
Bruckenberger, U., Weiss, A., Mirnig, N., Strasser, E., Stadler, S., and Tscheligi, M. The Good, The Bad, The Weird: Audience Evaluation of a “Real” Robot in Relation to Science Fiction and Mass Media. In ICSR2013: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Robotics (2013), pp. 301-310.
Mirnig N., Strasser E., Weiss, A., and Tscheligi, M. Studies in Public Places as a Means to Positively Influence People’s Attitude towards Robots. In ICSR2012: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Robotics (2012), pp. 209-218.
Mirnig, N., Gonsior, B., Sosnowski, S., Landsiedel, C., Wollherr, D., Weiss, A., and Tscheligi, M. Feedback Guidelines for Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction: How Should a Robot Give Feedback When Asking for Directions? In RO-MAN 2012: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication(2012), pp. 533-538.
Buss, M., Carton, D., Gonsior, B., Kühnlenz, K., Landsiedel, C., Mitsou, N., de Nijs, R., Zlotowski, J., Sosnowski, S., Strasser, E., Tscheligi, M, Weiss, A., and Wollherr, D. Towards Proactive Human-Robot Interaction in Human Environments. In CogInfoCom 2011: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications(2011).
Mirnig, N., Riegler, S., Weiss, A., and Tscheligi, M. A case study on the effect of feedback on itinerary requests in human-robot interaction. In RO-MAN 2011: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (2011), pp. 343-349.
Weiss, A., Mirnig, N., Buchner, R., Förster, F., and Tscheligi, M. Transferring human-human interaction studies to HRI scenarios in public space. In INTERACT2011: Proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (2011), pp. 230-247.
Zlotowski, J, Weiss, and A. Tscheligi, M. Interaction Scenarios for HRI in Public Space. In ICSR2011: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Robotics (2011), pp.1-10.