FFG project AssistMe
Human-zentrierte Assistenzrobotik in der Produktion
- 2-years project, started in 2015
- involving ACIN, Vienna University of Technology, PROFACTOR GmbH, BMW Motoren Sreyr GmbH, GPN GmbH.
- Principal investigator and leader of the ACIN group in the project (1 workpackage); 840.000 €
Within the AssistMe project we develop and evaluate during a user-centered multistage process innovative means of interaction for programming and usage of a robot-based assistive system. Central topic is the integration of users in the concept development where the interaction paradigms are defined as well as in the evaluation stage of the developed technology. AssistMe examines the applicability of haptic (force feedback) interaction technology with means of machine vision respectively with methods from the field of spatial augmented reality.
Related Publications
Ebenhofer, G., Ikeda, M., Huber, A., and Weiss, A. User-centered Assistive Robotics for Production – The AssistMe Project. In OAGM-ARW2016: Joint Workshop on “Computer Vision and Robotics” (2016).
Weiss, A., and Huber, A. (2016). User Experience of a Smart Factory Robot: Assembly line workers demand adaptive robots. In AISB2016: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction(2016).