FWF project V4HRC
Vision-based Human-Robot Cooperation: Perspective Sharing
- 3-years project, started in 2013
- single person project (Hertha Firnberg programme).
- Principal investigator; 220.000 €
The overall aim of the project is overcoming the limitations in vision-based human-robot cooperation by combining the strengths of both humans and robots. It investigates how humans can be supported in collaboratively solving a task with a robot by letting them “see the world through the robot’s eyes” in order to achieve a successful and acceptable performance. Within this project it is systematically explored how grounding (i.e. the knowledge, belief, and suppositions two actors believe to share about an activity) can be increased in Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). As such, the research proposed in this project is vital for future robotic vision projects where it is expected that robots share an environment and have to jointly perform tasks. The project follows a highly interdisciplinary approach, combining aspects from sociology, computer science, cognitive science, and robotics.
Related Publications
Weiss, A. and Vincze, M. Exploring Joint Action for Alternative Finding: Proposal of a Human-Human Study to Inform Human-Robot Collaboration. Workshop position paper at Fja2014: Towards a Framework for Joint Action, at RO-MAN2014 conference (2014).
Bajones, M., Weiss, A., & Vincze, M. Help, Anyone? A user study for modelling robotic behaviour to mitigate malfunctions with the help of the user. The 5th International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction.
Lorenz, T., Weiss, A., & Hirche, S. (2015). Synchrony and Reciprocity: Key Mechanisms for Social Companion Robots in Therapy and Care. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-19.
Weiss, A., and Bartneck, C. Meta Analysis Of The Usage Of The Godspeed Questionnaire Series. In Ro-Man2015: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (2015).